Sunday, September 12, 2010

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

On Friday night I was planning to go up Broad Street (Birmingham's busiest street of pubs and clubs) to say goodbye to an old colleague of mine who's leaving for Australia. However I took the whole expedition far too lightly and ended up soaked to the skin while trying to find the venue. Next time I'll look at a map, get a contact number and wear a jacket.

Luckily the night wasn't a complete loss as I instead went to see Scott Pilgrim Vs the World. Well the cinema was dry, I wasn't going home without doing something worthwhile, and I'd wanted to see it for a while. My wife wasn't interested, and while my daughter was I thought, best not, as it was a 12A and I hadn't been able to vet it before hand.

I'm very glad I saw it because it's a great film. If you don't like comics or video games you may not want to bother, as that's the source of half the fun. There's some good music too and very nice action scenes. To give you a taste, when Scott beats an evil ex of his new love a glowing number appears over the scene and his opponent is replaced by a cascade of coins, just like beating a boss in a SuperMario game. It's a very original approach to converting a comic and it makes the film very surreal. Like I said, if you don't like comics or video games then you'll probably wonder what the hell is going on.

My only complaint is that Scott is far too wimpy (when he's not wielding a Katana or beating up six big stunt men). It's hard to like him, or see how he could have accumulated so many exes of his own when he's so wet. I haven't read the graphic novel so I don't know if that's down to the comic or the film.

Otherwise very good, and 12A seems a bit harsh to me. Well worth seeing.

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